Introducing Hold The Lemons


Hold The Lemons was started when I was experiencing some big changes in my life with the intention of sharing my insights about living a positive and present life (something that didn’t always come easy to me). 

From losing a parent, failed relationships, buying a home, job-hopping, and just “adulting” in general, these changes were a catalyst for me to start a process of inner and outer work to transform myself into the person I want to be.

The thought of my blog initially focused on my story, but I soon realized there are so many people with their own stories of personal change that this blog shouldn’t be about me; it should be about us. 

My goal with Hold The Lemons is to help others connect with likeminded individuals and also help people understand that you are not alone, and everyone has their shit. As someone who has been where you are, let me tell you, you have more power over your life than you think you do.

I am beyond excited to share my story, experiences and implement what I have learned as I figure out how to build a better life and I am counting on all of you to hold me accountable along the way. 

Here we grow!