10 Things I would Tell my 20-Something-Year-Old Self


At the age of 22, I was living in New York in a shoebox apartment with no money, big dreams, and little to no direction. If I could go back to my younger self and share some words of wisdom, here’s what I’d say.

1. Be kind to yourself and be confident.

This is the most important. Like many young women, I wasn’t very confident. I was concerned about my weight, my hair, and my (hereditary) terrible wrinkles on my forehead. Ultimately none of this matters. I wish I had known that then and been a more confident person at the time.

2. Wear sunscreen.

My first job was at a tanning salon at the age of 16 and boy did I take advantage of the free tans. Do. Not. Do. It. Expensive moisturizers that have SPF built it in is money well- spent. The skin of a 20-year-old when you turn 30, is a rare sight at my age.

3. Don’t settle.

That guy who just broke your heart? The one you swear you’ll never get over? You will.

4. Travel more.

Take your well-earned PTO and book that flight. When you look back on your 20’s, the spontaneous trips you took with friends will be the happiest memories.

5. Help others and volunteer more.

Go out of your way to help people achieve their dreams. One day you’ll need their help in achieving yours. I can’t tell you how many organizations I’ve volunteered for. The connections and friendships I have made along the way are priceless! Did you know I worked and volunteered for a cancer foundation when I was 23? My current boss, Durée Ross, did our PR and marketing (pro bono) and now I not only cherish my friendship with her, but I’m her VP at a boutique PR agency!

6. Choose your friends wisely.

I am all about “quality over quantity.” If your friends aren’t cheering you on, lose them! Let go of the people who aren’t genuinely happy seeing you succeed. They aren’t happy with themselves.

7. Stop caring what other people think.

When you stop caring about what other people might think, you will start doing things with more intention. Get rid of the opinions and influence of others, and you will be true to yourself. Spend more time and energy on the things that you value.

8. Don’t give to get.

Expect less from people. Holding people to the high standards you hold yourself will ultimately lead to disappointment. When you expect less, you will appreciate things so much more.

9. Never stop learning.

Invest the time and money into yourself. Take advantage of every internship, invest in self- improvement courses, listen to more podcasts, and look into every social media and marketing course. We should all strive to become the best versions of ourselves.

10. Do YOU.

I am a big cheerleader for saying no, but this is new and I am still working on it. Had I known this in my 20s, I swear I’d be a pro. My biggest resentment in life is having to spend my limited time in situations I don’t truly want to be in. Learning to say no to events and plans that don’t serve me and that do not help me reach my goals has been essential to cruising through life positively and successfully.

What advice would you give your younger self? Leave a comment or send me a message – I’d love to know.

xo jenna