Q&A with Abbey, Owner of Focus Functional Fitness


Tell us about yourself.

I am a certified personal trainer in the South Florida area. I use my wide areas of expertise to construct the perfect workout for my clients. With knowledge in both athletic training and functional training for the general population, I love helping people find their inner athlete while achieving their aesthetic goals as well. Clients are not in an assembly line where everyone gets the same program. To expect the same results with different physiologies is absurd. Clients need time, personal attention and detail when it comes to constructing a program. I appreciate quality rather than quantity, and I make myself accessible to each and every one of my clients outside of the gym. 

What is an obstacle you have overcome or may still be struggling with daily?

I feel as if I haven’t overcome these things, but I learn to manage them. Anxiety and insecurity is something that plagues me daily. How will I be able to put on this confident face and cater to these 6,7,8 or 9 sessions that I have today? How will I keep this business going amidst the COVID-19 pandemic? Will I have a job tomorrow? I have a house now. How will I survive?

What are you doing to achieve your goals or overcome your obstacles?

Over time it’s more about acceptance. I accept that I have these ways of thinking, but it’s my reaction that sets a standard for my day. 100% of the time, I have survived, and gotten through. Nothing has been more than I can handle. Even a global pandemic that shut my gym down for a couple of months. I still managed to maneuver through this labyrinth that no one prepared for. 

Share a story about the funniest mistake you’ve made. Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

Too many. Daily. Just today, I wasted a good outfit on a bad date. :)

Do you have any favorite quotes or life mottos you live by? 

It always passes. 100% of the time.

Do you have any routines to keep you on track toward your personal goals or success?

My mornings. I wake up at 3:30/4am to have that hour to just do my devotional and get my mind at peace for the many personalities and responsibilities of the day. 

What advice would you give to others?

Red flags are deal breakers. You are allowed to say no. People pleasing will be your demise. 

Do you have a mentor or someone who keeps you on track or accountable?

My mother. She owns her business and found success despite being a single mother with no handouts. 

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful to who helped get you to where you are?

My business partner, Todd Payne, gave me an opportunity that changed my life. He trusted me enough to invest in the company that he started, and allowed me to share it with him. I’m forever grateful for that. 

If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be?

Heartbroken women coming together to find security, confidence and purpose in themselves. Female entrepreneurship empowerment.

Connect with Abbey